Don’t have time to learn bookkeeping or accounting software for your business? Don’t know what a profit & loss is? If you have a business, this is for you. In order to have your taxes done at year end, you need to have your bookkeeping done. I know you don’t want to think about taxes, but if you have a business paying taxes is part of the game. What if you don’t do your bookkeeping? You
- Won’t know if you’re making money or losing money,
- Won’t know which area of your business needs adjusting (financially),
- Won’t be able to get funding because you won’t have your financial statements (profit & loss & balance sheet), &
- Won’t be able to make sound decisions because you won’t know your numbers.
I understand. You’re a savvy nurse entrepreneur, not an accounting professional. I’m not a nurse, so I can’t diagnose any illness. However, we’re both in business, so I can relate. I know how to stay in my lane. In fact, I helped a nurse practitioner client with her bookkeeping & taxes, & here’s what she had to say:
“Thank you so much. I feel so empowered now that I have this information [financial statements]. I can now effectively operate my company, now that I know our bottom line.
Before my client worked with me, she didn’t feel empowered because she didn’t know her numbers. When she knew her numbers, she was able to better run her business.
If you’re ready to transform your business, know your numbers, & be ready for taxes after year end, contact Dakota Grady today, or call 864-881-8133. Dakota is available virtually & in person.